A Stray to Botaram updates on Tuesday and Thursday. The comic is being upgraded; size and resolution may change.

Title: Degurgitation
(We now see that Aun is the one who has grabbed Chax's leg, and is trying to pull him back from being ejected from the Kollen.)
Aun: Nai... Nai... NAI!!
(Suddenly Aun wins the tug of war, and Chax is pulled loose from the creature's grasp. Both of them land in a heap on the floor, rather upset with each other, as the Kollen's creatures scream at them and the wormthing makes incomprehensible but seemingly taunting noises.)

One thought on “Degurgitation

  1. “Degurgitation”… wouldn’t that be the opposite of regurgitation, like shoving something down your throat? Before I go further with this, let me look up “gurgitation”… OH! Not at all what I’d assumed it meant.
    Thank you, J, for causing me to learn another word. (At first, I didn’t expect to find “gurgitation” in the dictionary; I’d never heard the word before and assumed it was not an English word… but I assumed it was similar to “regurgitaton”, which would be doing whatever gurgitation was, again.

    Now I assume that Aun has just managed to pull Chax away from whatever that was, that was trying to suck him in… so regurgitation would have been if whatever it was blew (or pushed) Chax out, and Aun pulling him out was the degurgitation.

    Meanwhile, since “gurgitation” necessarily deals with liquids, I guess that Chax is the liquid in this base.

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Further Progress

The move is over, and I find myself hollowing pathways through a mass of cardboard boxes and trying to reassemble the positive parts of my former environment. I expect it to be a while longer before I have put a creative space back together, but when I do, Botaram will return.

To all who are still watching, thank you for not giving up.

Progress Report

I’m in the middle of moving to a new apartment. I hope in the process to leave a bunch of problems behind and acquire not as many in exchange. Once I’m settled in and some of the stress is reduced, I expect to return to Botaram.

To all of my readers, thanks for your patience as I work through some troublesome times.


Feeling Aliver…

I’ve been largely miserable for the past few months, but some things may be getting better now and not all was as bleak as I feared. Getting out into the fresh air helps a lot.

Since BiggerJ asked, I do have a Paypal account for donations, and there’s a yellow donate button at the bottom of each page. I’m not comfortable with the idea of asking for money at a time when I’m not producing any art, but if you’d like to show your support in this way, please feel free to do so. If you can’t stand Paypal, and many can’t, contact me via the email address in my profile (link also at page bottom) and we can work something else out.

I may not have to mention it, but kind words are always welcome. Thanks to all my readers for their encouraging comments, and to those who are still reading for sticking with me as I work some things out. Botaram will return.

[Also, some site functions (navigation button images and Archive script) are broken at the moment because one of my domains is down. This should be fixed soon.]

Too Much Power…

As of this writing, I am back online in a warm and well-illuminated house. I’d like to thank our neighbors, Laura and Alexis, for sharing the use of their generator during the first few days, and our friends, Betsy and Stefan Burr, for opening their house to us, sharing dinner with us, and lending us their generator in our time of need.

However, it seems that while wrestling with setting up the heavy generator, I dealt my back a blow from which it has yet to recover. I am therefore bedridden for now, and so am postponing the next entry of Botaram to the coming Monday.



I am at least provisionally in the path of the East Coast hurricane, and have just gotten the hatches reasonably battened. I will be working on Botaram tonight and tomorrow as power and laptop battery permit. Provided that cell coverage remains, I should have the next entry up by tomorrow evening. Until!