Title: Cutting the Knot
(Chax stares at the sack that contains a number of tiny pods, each with a small embryotic critter within.)
Chax: I erred in cheating myself of the guidance of the Craisht... They would have kept me from such dangerous thoughts.
Chax: But still, so many lives... and one may suppose, many more to come...
Aun (from below): Chax? Did you find any more?
Chax: ...Yes, Aun. I did.
Latest Comics
#469. Cutting the Knot
6 350 Jun 02, 2012
#468. Back from the Brink
12 1529 Jun 01, 2012
#467. Memorial
19 3835 May 31, 2012
#466. Bad Thoughts
9 2116 Apr 23, 2012
#465. Precedence
17 5971 Apr 22, 2012
#464. Complicity
16 2440 Apr 17, 2012
#463. What Am I?
25 7474 Apr 12, 2012
#462. So Far, So Small
12 2545 Apr 11, 2012
#461. Rising To It
15 3165 Apr 11, 2012
#460. Another Branch
28 4884 Apr 10, 2012
Further Progress
To all who are still watching, thank you for not giving up.
Progress Report
To all of my readers, thanks for your patience as I work through some troublesome times.
Feeling Aliver…
Since BiggerJ asked, I do have a Paypal account for donations, and there’s a yellow donate button at the bottom of each page. I’m not comfortable with the idea of asking for money at a time when I’m not producing any art, but if you’d like to show your support in this way, please feel free to do so. If you can’t stand Paypal, and many can’t, contact me via the email address in my profile (link also at page bottom) and we can work something else out.
I may not have to mention it, but kind words are always welcome. Thanks to all my readers for their encouraging comments, and to those who are still reading for sticking with me as I work some things out. Botaram will return.
[Also, some site functions (navigation button images and Archive script) are broken at the moment because one of my domains is down. This should be fixed soon.]
Still Still Alive…
I’m Still Alive…
Between my slow recovery and trying to keep my business going, I’m having a rough time right now. Thanks for bearing with me. I will persevere, and I hope to continue soon.
Next Entry
Health Improving
Too Much Power…
However, it seems that while wrestling with setting up the heavy generator, I dealt my back a blow from which it has yet to recover. I am therefore bedridden for now, and so am postponing the next entry of Botaram to the coming Monday.